Forest Products - Timber

Alberta's forest is one of its most valuable resources. While approximately 4% of Alberta forest lands are privately owned that same 4% annually produces approximately 11% of all wood fibre produced in Alberta.

The province has XX native tree species and about YY introduced species. Each belongs to one of two major groups: needle-leafed softwoods (also known as conifers or evergreens) and broad-leafed hardwoods (also known as deciduous trees).

Major products include pulpwood, sawlogs, stud wood, veneer logs, panel products, boltwood, posts and poles, pallet wood, firewood and fuelwood.

The practice of silviculture, by which stands of trees are tended, harvested and replaced, can improve growth rates, quality, strength and other properties as well as help maintain a healthy, productive and sustainable forest.

Key to the practice of good forest management is knowledge of:

  • how a tree grows (diameter, height, volume) and division of trees into stands (composition, density, stocking)
  • site capability
  • species characteristics such as rooting habit, wind firmness, associated species, preferred growing sites and shade tolerance
  • how stands of trees are influenced by silviculture practices

Silviculture practices include:

Professional advice and expertise regarding timber on your woodlot, management planning and marketing is available from Forestry Consultants, Contractors, Woodland Owner Organizations and Industry Groups located throughout the province.

Silviculture assistance is available throughout Nova Scotia from Registered Wood Buyers with Wood Acquisition Plans, and the Association for Sustainable Forestry.


NS Department of Natural Resources Library