Woodlot Association of Alberta
c/o Olson Office Management
P.O. Box 303
Beaverlodge, AB
T0H 0C0
Woodlot Association of Alberta
c/o Olson Office Management
P.O. Box 303
Beaverlodge, AB
T0H 0C0
As owners of Alberta's forested lands, the province's woodlot owners have a major role to play in protecting the province's biodiversity through conservation of natural areas, plants, animals and water quality.
You may want to consider formal or informal protection of areas on your woodlot that are rare or unique, or areas that are special to you. Information is available from Alberta Envoronment and Sustainable Resource Development.
Rare Species Location & Status
Information about the location and status of rare plants, animals and natural communities in Alberta is available from the Alberta Native Plants Council
Protect Water Quality
Help protect water quality through:
National Tree Seed Centre
Canadian Forest - Atlantic Forestry Centre
COSEWIC (Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada)
North American Bird Conservation Initiative
Wildland Invasive Species - Online
- The Nature Conservancy