Clearcut Practices

Clearcut practices with natural regeneration and artificial regeneration include:

Strip Methods
Strip methods begin with dividing the area to be cut into strips of equal width. Strips that remain provide seed and protection for seedlings in the cut areas.

  • Alternate Strip
    In the alternate strip method every second strip is cut. When the cut strips are regenerated, a decision will then be made as to how to best cut and regenerate the remaining strips.
  • Progressive Strips
    In the progressive strip method every third strip is cut over a five to fifteen year period. This ensures that a minimum two-thirds of the area has regenerated before the final cut.

Patch Method
In the patch method a stand is harvested in a series of small cuts that take place over a period of about ten to twenty years. This method promotes good seed coverage and successful regeneration.

Site Preparation
There is a high rate of natural regeneration in Nova Scotia but when planting is necessary, site preparation is generally required. Site preparation can include: improving the site by crushing brush; reducing competition from vegetation; exposing the mineral soil.

When planting is required, it is important to choose a species, planting stock and method that will match the site and soil conditions. Determining factors include: soil type and depth; competing vegetation; brush on site; slope; trees, stumps, rocks and boulders.

Weeding may be necessary if young trees must compete for light and space. Both manual weed control and chemical weed control through the use of herbicides are used in Nova Scotia.
