Surveys & Boundary Lines

Boundary Lines
In the absense of fences or other clear delineation establishing boundary lines is a very good investment. It's important to know exactly what land you own and what land belongs to your neighbour.

Recreational and wildlife opportunities can also be enhanced by the presence of well maintained boundary lines as they can serve as travel ways and provide edge for habitat.

Boundary Line Renewal
A landowner may conduct work to maintain a
boundary line if:
• location of the line is certain
• boundary line evidence will be visible from one
mark to the next when brushed out
• location of the line is not in dispute
• work is being done for the sole purpose of
making a known line more visible

Commonly accepted boundary line maintenance
practices include:
• brushing out
• painting existing blazes
• making additional blazes
• replacing fence posts
• repairing rock mounds

Do not destroy old evidence when doing maintenance on a boundary line.

A qualified Land Surveyor must be
retained to establish a new boundary line or
retrace a boundary line that has become invisible.